Transporting Regulated Waste since 1994
Keeping our waters clean, one job at a time.
A.C.C.P., INC. – Allied Contamination Control and Protection

Since July 1996, we have removed, transported, and treated over 27,000 jobs; not bad when you consider we only did 8 jobs our first month in business. You aren’t dealing with the new guy on the street. We know what we are doing! We’ve never had a complaint from a ship about our service. It is not unusual to see written on our manifest, “Good Job!”.
Our Services include:
- Full service : Three- 2 men crew
- USDA compliant supplies
- No dock-side charge for labor: We bag up the waste in accordance with our USDA Complaint Agreement
- Fully insured to enter any dock where waste removal is allowed
- Fully enclosed vehicle in accordance with USDA regulations
- Courtesy and professionalism
- Our crew is provided with all necessary safety equipment
- All waste removed is fully listed on manifest in quantity and volume.
- Waste is removed in the most efficient and cost conscience method available
- Cradle to grave documentation is always available upon request
- Inspected routinely by USDA, US Customs, Homeland Security, US Border Protection
- Special rates for exclusive customers
Approved USDA treatment facility: To ensure protection of our environment, we treat all waste removed as being “co-mingled” even when it is not APHIS waste.
Why? When the waste is loaded on our truck, it becomes part of several other loads where APHIS is usually present. When this happens the entire truck is co-mingled as far as we are concerned. We would rather fall on the side of caution and it doesn’t cost you any extra. Weight means nothing to us. We do not charge by the pound; we charge by volume – saving you money.
Can your cost be estimated easily? You bet! Simply multiply your expected volume in cubic meters by $289/m3 and you have the estimated cost before discount of 30%. This greatly depends upon type of waste involved, in other words, plastic is not the same as oily rags.
We welcome any improvements suggested by our customers. Have questions?
Please contact us via e-mail: ops@accpwasteservices.com or call 281-499-8164.